Photography Club
August Photo Challenge


Welcome to my Photography Club. 

This is an online photo club that is all about learning through monthly challenges. There is no joining fee but there is a fee to take part in each months challenge. You are free to dip in and out as you see fit and only take part in the months that appeal to you.

Each challenge comes with a set of notes telling you about the challenge and giving you some useful information about how to approach it. The challenge will change every month and will be available to buy at the beginning of each month.

On the last Wednesday of every month I will hold a Zoom session with all participants where we will discuss the challenge, how we approached it and how we processed our images afterwards. We will be able to look at everyones images and discuss what worked and what didn’t.

The August edition of the challenge is now available to book. Each monthly challenge costs £10 for which you will get a full set of challenge notes and an invitation to the August Zoom session which will take place between 7pm – 8.30pm on Wednesday 28th August 2024.

About August’s challenge. 

This months photo challenge is all about movement. Your challenge is to produce two photos from the following list of categories:

1. An image that shows motion blur using a long exposure of 30 seconds or more. You can work with the sea, the clouds or anything that is moving.

2. An image using a shutter speed of 1/4 second to 5 seconds to emphasise the motion within a scene. This can be of any subject but examples could be the sea, movement of water around a subject, movement of foliage, traffic, people or birds.

3. Freezing motion using panning techniques. You could work with traffic, people or wildlife but in this image the subject should be sharp and the background should be blurred.

4. An image that creates a sense of motion using ICM or multiple exposure techniques.

You can enter a maximum of two images for conversation in the Zoom session but they should be from two different categories from the above list.

You will be encouraged to be as creative as possible and we will discuss the results in the Zoom meeting on 28th August.

The aim of the challenge is to improve your photography and give you a focus and a personal challenge. This is not a competitive challenge and there will be no points awarded and no winners and losers. The Zoom sessions will be relaxed, friendly and supportive.

If you would like to take part please click ‘Buy Now’ and you will be sent a link to download the challenge notes and instructions. I will follow up with an email giving you details for the Zoom meeting. You don’t have to live in Suffolk to take part – you can be part of the Photo Club where ever you live.


Welcome to my Photography Club. 

This is an online photo club that is all about learning through monthly challenges. There is no joining fee but there is a fee to take part in each months challenge. You are free to dip in and out as you see fit and only take part in the months that appeal to you.

Each challenge comes with a set of notes telling you about the challenge and giving you some useful information about how to approach it. The challenge will change every month and will be available to buy at the beginning of each month.

On the last Wednesday of every month I will hold a Zoom session with all participants where we will discuss the challenge, how we approached it and how we processed our images afterwards. We will be able to look at everyones images and discuss what worked and what didn’t.

The August edition of the challenge is now available to book. Each monthly challenge costs £10 for which you will get a full set of challenge notes and an invitation to the August Zoom session which will take place between 7pm – 8.30pm on Wednesday 28th August 2024.

About August’s challenge. 

This months photo challenge is all about movement. Your challenge is to produce two photos from the following list of categories:

1. An image that shows motion blur using a long exposure of 30 seconds or more. You can work with the sea, the clouds or anything that is moving.

2. An image using a shutter speed of 1/4 second to 5 seconds to emphasise the motion within a scene. This can be of any subject but examples could be the sea, movement of water around a subject, movement of foliage, traffic, people or birds.

3. Freezing motion using panning techniques. You could work with traffic, people or wildlife but in this image the subject should be sharp and the background should be blurred.

4. An image that creates a sense of motion using ICM or multiple exposure techniques.

You can enter a maximum of two images for conversation in the Zoom session but they should be from two different categories from the above list.

You will be encouraged to be as creative as possible and we will discuss the results in the Zoom meeting on 28th August.