By Gill Moon

Inspired by Gill Moon 

As a photographer I love taking images, but I usually do this alone because that is how I work best. However over the years I have come to see the value in working with others and getting out into the landscape and photographing as part of a group. I think this allows us all to share our process, it helps generate ideas and is a great way to learn. It is also a lot of fun. For this reason I have decided to set up a few activities that I will be running during 2025.  These will include:

A monthly meet-up local to Suffolk, Norfolk or Essex. This will take the form of a free photo walk which will have a different theme associated with it each month. This is not a tuition session but I will be on hand to chat. The walk is much more about meeting like minded people and having a couple of hours photography in a relaxed and supportive environment.

A monthly challenge where we will be able to share and discuss images. This is currently available on Substack.

I have been writing a free weekly blog over on Substack for a while now. Titled ‘For the Love of Landscapes’ this blog has been really well received and has grown considerably since I set it up. I have now introduced a paid element to the blog which is where I run my monthly photo challenges. To be a paid subscriber costs £5 per month or £50 per year and for that you receive:

– A monthly photo challenge post which details the challenge and gives you some ideas for how to tackle it.

– Access to the subscriber chat where you can share your challenge photos and ask any questions you may have.

– A weekly post called ‘Inspired’ in which I share photography ideas and tips about compositions, technical aspects of photography and post processing. This is in addition to the free weekly post.

– Full access to my back catelogue on Substack.

If you would like to join then please visit my Substack and subscribe

I am also coordinating a new photo project for 2025 titled Connections. More information about this will be coming soon.


Inspired by Gill Moon 

As a photographer I love taking images, but I usually do this alone because that is how I work best. However over the years I have come to see the value in working with others and getting out into the landscape and photographing as part of a group. I think this allows us all to share our process, it helps generate ideas and is a great way to learn. It is also a lot of fun. For this reason I have decided to set up a few activities that I will be running during 2025.  These will include:

A monthly meet-up local to Suffolk, Norfolk or Essex. This will take the form of a free photo walk which will have a different theme associated with it each month. This is not a tuition session but I will be on hand to chat. The walk is much more about meeting like minded people and having a couple of hours photography in a relaxed and supportive environment.

A monthly challenge where we will be able to share and discuss images. This is currently available on Substack.

I have been writing a free weekly blog over on Substack for a while now. Titled ‘For the Love of Landscapes’ this blog has been really well received and has grown considerably since I set it up. I have now introduced a paid element to the blog which is where I run my monthly photo challenges. To be a paid subscriber costs £5 per month or £50 per year and for that you receive:

– A monthly photo challenge post which details the challenge and gives you some ideas for how to tackle it.

– Access to the subscriber chat where you can share your challenge photos and ask any questions you may have.

– A weekly post called ‘Inspired’ in which I share photography ideas and tips about compositions, technical aspects of photography and post processing. This is in addition to the free weekly post.

– Full access to my back catelogue on Substack.

If you would like to join then please visit my Substack and subscribe

I am also coordinating a new photo project for 2025 titled Connections. More information about this will be coming soon.