The Art of Garden Photography
Beth Chatto Gardens


The Art of Garden Photography at Beth Chatto Gardens – Wednesday September 3rd 10am – 4pm plus an image review over zoom on Wednesday 10th September at 7pm. 

Join me for a day exploring the beautiful landscapes of Beth Chatto Gardens in north Essex. We will be looking at garden photography, working with the light to produce dreamy effects using autumn flowers, seedheads and grasses and will be looking at abstract plant images using close up photography and creative use of focus.

About Beth Chatto gardens

This 7.5 acre garden was created in 1960 by award-winning plantswoman, author and lecturer Beth Chatto. Her garden is all about ecological planting, using the right plants for the right places. The garden consists of several distinct areas made up of a gravel garden, a scree garden, a woodland garden, a water garden and a reservoir garden. Each area has a different character with different planting and overall the garden offers a great variety of photographic opportunities. To find out more about the location please visit the Beth Chatto gardens Website >>

What we will cover

The day will be split into two halves with some indoor tuition at the start and just after we break for lunch.

During the day we will cover:

Camera settings, aperture choice, composition, using natural light, thinking creatively, shooting through vegetation, abstract and soft focus images.

Although we are working in a man made environment all the techniques you will learn can be applied to more natural wild environments.

Image review – this will take place over zoom on Wednesday 10th September and is a great way to discuss our images and how we have processed them.

What you need

You will need your camera and a selection of lenses or focal lengths. For this workshop it will be advantageous to have a macro lens but you could also use a telephoto.

For most of the day we will be working without a tripod but please bring one just in case the light is poor.

A packed lunch and a drink although tea and coffee are available on site.

What is included

Entry to Beth Chatto gardens

6 hours of tuition

A set of printed workshop notes

An image review on 10th September over Zoom.

If you have any questions about kit prior to booking please don’t hesitate to contact me


7 in stock


The Art of Garden Photography at Beth Chatto Gardens – Wednesday September 3rd 10am – 4pm plus an image review over zoom on Wednesday 10th September at 7pm. 

Join me for a day exploring the beautiful landscapes of Beth Chatto Gardens in north Essex. We will be looking at garden photography, working with the light to produce dreamy effects using autumn flowers, seedheads and grasses and will be looking at abstract plant images using close up photography and creative use of focus.

About Beth Chatto gardens

This 7.5 acre garden was created in 1960 by award-winning plantswoman, author and lecturer Beth Chatto. Her garden is all about ecological planting, using the right plants for the right places. The garden consists of several distinct areas made up of a gravel garden, a scree garden, a woodland garden, a water garden and a reservoir garden. Each area has a different character with different planting and overall the garden offers a great variety of photographic opportunities. To find out more about the location please visit the Beth Chatto gardens Website >>

What we will cover

The day will be split into two halves with some indoor tuition at the start and just after we break for lunch.

During the day we will cover:

Camera settings, aperture choice, composition, using natural light, thinking creatively, shooting through vegetation, abstract and soft focus images.

Although we are working in a man made environment all the techniques you will learn can be applied to more natural wild environments.

Image review – this will take place over zoom on Wednesday 10th September and is a great way to discuss our images and how we have processed them.

What you need

You will need your camera and a selection of lenses or focal lengths. For this workshop it will be advantageous to have a macro lens but you could also use a telephoto.

For most of the day we will be working without a tripod but please bring one just in case the light is poor.

A packed lunch and a drink although tea and coffee are available on site.

What is included

Entry to Beth Chatto gardens

6 hours of tuition

A set of printed workshop notes

An image review on 10th September over Zoom.

If you have any questions about kit prior to booking please don’t hesitate to contact me