Photo Walks

Group walks which take place throughout the year in some of Suffolk’s most photogenic locations. Based on the idea of a photo scavenger hunt the walks last around 2 hours and typically cover about 2 miles. They are suitable for all photographic abilities and camera types. If you would like to explore more of the Suffolk Coast with your camera my book ‘The Suffolk Coast – 25 walks with your camera’ is now available.

Buy Walking Book

Suffolk photo walks are part training session, part social event and are based around the idea of a scavenger hunt. They are suitable for any camera type even a phone camera and are essentially about observation, learning to ‘see’ the environment and having a bit of fun with creativity. They are less technical than individual tuition days, are completely suitable for beginners and are a great way to meet and chat with other photographers.

  • Southwold Harbour F2.8
    Shallow DOF Photo Walk
    Saturday 10th May 2025
    9:00 am - 11:00 am
    More Info & Booking